Popular questions

Frequently asked questions

  • What programs does Victory Island Bible College offer?
    Victory Island Bible College offers comprehensive programs spanning three years, covering foundational teachings, leadership development, and practical ministry skills.
  • Can I study part-time or online at Victory Island Bible College?
    Yes, our college offers flexible options, including part-time and hybrid programs combining online coursework with in-person sessions for a balanced learning experience.
  • What sets Victory Island Bible College apart from other institutions?
    Our college emphasizes a holistic approach to biblical education, integrating practical ministry training, leadership development, and a strong community of like-minded believers.
  • How can I apply to Victory Island Bible College?
    You can easily apply online through our website by filling out the application form. Visit our admissions page for detailed instructions.
  • What support services does the college offer to students?
    Victory Island Bible College provides comprehensive student support services, including academic advising, counseling, library resources, and spiritual guidance to ensure a fulfilling educational journey.
  • What kind of spiritual atmosphere can I expect at Victory Island Bible College?
    At our college, you'll experience a vibrant spiritual environment that fosters growth, encourages community, and promotes a deepening relationship with God through worship, prayer, and fellowship.
  • Can I attend Victory Island Bible College if I'm not pursuing full-time ministry?
    Absolutely! Our programs cater to individuals from various backgrounds and career paths who seek to deepen their biblical knowledge, enhance their leadership skills, or simply grow in their faith journey.
  • Are there opportunities for international students to study at Victory Island Bible College?
    Yes, Victory Island Bible College welcomes students from around the world. We provide assistance and support for international students, including guidance on visas and accommodations.